Gem Dopamine 1.0

Gem Dopamine 1.0

The emulation of two classic tape encoding processors, used as enhancers
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Overloud DOPAMINE is a particular kind of enhancer used in early forms of magnetic tapes noise reduction. The tape was encoded by dynamically brightening the signal then, while playing back, the tape was decoded by taking off the extra brightness and, consequently, reducing the tape hiss.

The audio engineers realized that the tape encoding process was a desirable effect on any kind of audio so they started to use this process in parallel with the original tracks to add liveliness. Overloud DOPAMINE replicates this process.

Overloud DOPAMINE is the emulation of two classic tape encoding processors, used as enhancers.

It is designed to revive individual tracks as well as complex mixes while preserving their natural tone. Overloud DOPAMINE does not introduce unpleasant artifacts like the exciters do: in fact, it dynamically balances the harmonics that naturally exist in the original audio rather than generating non-existent harmonics by synthesizing them.



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